How to Fix Bedhead (Quick Guide)

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding Bedhead Causes: Bedhead occurs due to factors like friction between hair and pillowcases, natural oils and moisture on the scalp, sleep position and movements, hair type and length, pillowcase quality, and overnight styling choices.
  • Tips for Tackling Bedhead: To manage bedhead, you can wet your hair, use a wide-toothed comb or soft-bristle brush to detangle gently, apply a leave-in conditioner, avoid over-washing your hair, consider silk or satin pillowcases, try braids or a loose bun before bedtime, use dry shampoo, use heat styling tools with care, embrace your natural texture, and consult a professional hairstylist if needed.
  • Preventing Future Bedhead: To prevent future bedhead, swap cotton pillowcases for silk or satin ones, tie up your hair in a loose style before bed, consider silk or satin hair wraps or caps for longer hair, use leave-in conditioner or hair oil, braid your hair, use products designed to prevent bedhead, apply dry shampoo, maintain a regular hair care routine, choose a hair-friendly pillow, and establish a consistent bedtime routine.

Bedhead—a common morning woe that many of us face when we wake up with hair that seems to have a mind of its own.

Whether it’s flattened, tangled, or sticking out in all directions, dealing with bedhead can be a frustrating way to start your day.

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But fear not!

In this guide, we’ll unravel the mysteries of bedhead and provide practical tips and tricks to tame your unruly morning mane and step out confidently.

Styling Tips and Tricks for Tackling Bedhead:

Bedhead seems annoying, but there are some easy fixes to make your hair look normal again.

Let’s discuss the solutions:

Wet Comb or Brush:

Start by wetting your hair slightly. Use a wide-toothed comb or a brush with soft bristles to gently detangle your hair. Wetting your hair makes it more pliable and easier to manage.

Use a Leave-In Conditioner:

Apply a leave-in conditioner or hair detangler to help smooth out knots and tangles. Focus on the ends of your hair, where bedhead is often most stubborn.

Avoid Over-Washing:

Washing your hair daily can strip it of natural oils, making it more prone to bedhead. Consider reducing the frequency of shampooing to allow your hair to maintain its natural oils.

Silk or Satin Pillowcases:

Switch to a silk or satin pillowcase. Unlike cotton, these materials cause less friction with your hair, reducing the likelihood of bedhead.

Braids or Bun Before Bed:

To prevent excessive tangling, consider braiding your hair or putting it in a loose bun before bedtime. This can help your hair retain its shape and reduce morning tangles.

Dry Shampoo:

Dry shampoo can be a lifesaver on busy mornings. Spray it on your roots and use your fingers to work it in, refreshing your hair and adding volume.

Heat Styling:

If your bedhead is particularly stubborn, you can use heat styling tools like straighteners or curling irons to quickly reshape your hair. Be sure to use heat protection products to prevent damage.

Embrace a New Hairstyle:

Sometimes, the easiest way to deal with bedhead is to embrace it. Consider a hairstyle that works with your natural morning texture rather than fighting it.

Consult a Professional:

If bedhead is a constant struggle, consider consulting a hairstylist. They can recommend a haircut or styling routine that suits your hair type and lifestyle.

Preventing Future Bedhead:

Well, you might have addressed the issue for now. But wouldn’t you like a solution that could make your life easier?

By taking a few simple steps before bedtime and adjusting your sleep environment, you can minimize the chances of waking up with unruly hair.

Here are some effective strategies for preventing future bedhead:

  • Swap your cotton pillowcases for silk or satin ones. These materials create less friction with your hair, reducing the likelihood of tangles and preventing the bedhead.
  • Before going to bed, consider tying up your hair in a loose ponytail or bun. This can help prevent excessive tangling and keep your hair in better shape overnight.
  • If you have longer hair, invest in a silk or satin hair wrap or cap. These accessories help protect your hair while you sleep, minimizing the impact of friction and moisture absorption.
  • Apply a small amount of leave-in conditioner or hair oil to your hair before bedtime. This not only helps with overnight hydration but also reduces the chances of hair becoming tangled.
  • Braiding your hair before bed can keep it more manageable. Try loose braids, which can help maintain your hair’s shape and reduce tangles.
  • Consider using products designed to prevent the bedhead, such as overnight hair serums or sprays. These products often contain ingredients that condition and protect your hair during sleep.
  • Use dry shampoo in the morning to refresh your hair and add volume without the need for a full wash. This can help you maintain your hairstyle while combating any minor bedhead issues.
  • Keep your hair healthy and manageable by following a regular hair care routine. This includes regular shampooing and conditioning, as well as occasional deep conditioning treatments.
  • Opt for a pillow that provides support without being overly rough on your hair. Pillows made from memory foam or latex are often gentle on your hair while offering comfort.
  • Try to maintain a consistent bedtime routine, including when you tie up your hair or apply leave-in conditioner. Consistency can help train your hair to behave better during sleep.

By implementing these strategies and making them a part of your nightly routine, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of waking up with a bedhead.

Experiment with different approaches to find the combination that works best for your hair type and length, ensuring you start your day with well-behaved and manageable locks.

Factors Contributing to Bedhead:

Bedhead, that tousled and often unruly hair that greets us in the morning, can be a daily frustration.

But what causes this phenomenon, and why does it seem like our hair has a mind of its own when we wake up?

The reasons behind bedhead are multifaceted, including the science of hair and our nightly sleeping habits.

Let’s delve into the factors that contribute to the occurrence of bedhead:

1. Friction and Pressure:

One of the primary culprits behind bedhead is friction between your hair and your pillowcase.

As you move during the night, your hair rubs against the fabric, causing it to become tangled and flattened.

This friction can disrupt the arrangement of your hair strands and lead to the disheveled appearance known as bedhead.

2. Natural Oils and Moisture:

Your scalp produces natural oils and moisture to keep your hair and skin healthy.

These oils can accumulate on your hair while you sleep, making it more susceptible to matting and tangling.

When you wake up, your hair may appear greasier and less manageable.

3. Sleep Position and Movements:

Your sleep position plays a role in the severity of bedhead.

People who toss and turn at night are likelier to experience tangled and unruly hair in the morning.

The weight and pressure of your head against the pillow can exacerbate this effect.

4. Hair Type and Length:

The type and length of your hair can influence the severity of the bedhead.

Longer hair is more prone to tangling, while certain hair types, like curly or wavy hair, may become more distorted during sleep.

5. Pillowcase Quality and Material:

The type of pillowcase you use can impact the extent of the bedhead.

Cotton pillowcases, although comfortable, create more friction with hair than silk or satin pillowcases.

These smoother materials reduce friction and can help prevent the bedhead.

The quality and texture of your pillow can also affect your bedhead. Pillows with rough or textured surfaces can cause more friction and contribute to tangled hair.

6. Overnight Styling:

Hair tied up or styled in a certain way before bedtime can influence bedhead. Loose buns or braids can help maintain your hair’s shape and reduce morning tangles.


What is bedhead, and why does it happen?

Bedhead refers to the tangled, disheveled, or unruly appearance of hair upon waking up. It happens primarily due to friction between the hair and the pillowcase, natural oils and moisture in the hair, and sleep movements.

What are some quick fixes for bedhead?

Quick fixes for bedhead include wetting your hair and gently combing or brushing it, using a leave-in conditioner, or applying a small amount of hair oil. These methods can help smooth out tangles and restore your hair's appearance.

How can I prevent bedhead in the first place?

Preventing bedhead involves using silk or satin pillowcases, tying up your hair in a loose bun or ponytail before bed, applying leave-in conditioner, and choosing the right hair products. These preventive measures can minimize the impact of bedhead.

Are there specific techniques for different hair types and lengths?

Yes, techniques for fixing bedhead may vary depending on your hair type and length. For example, those with longer hair may benefit from braiding it before bed, while individuals with shorter hair may find that a wet comb works well.

Can heat styling tools be used to fix bedheads?

Yes, heat styling tools like straighteners or curling irons can be used to fix the bedhead by reshaping the hair. However, it's important to use these tools with heat protection products to prevent damage.

Are there any natural remedies for fixing bedheads?

Natural remedies for bedhead include using a leave-in conditioner, applying a small amount of coconut oil, or using aloe vera gel to tame unruly hair. These natural products can help smooth and hydrate your hair.

Can bedhead be prevented by changing sleep habits?

Yes, certain sleep habits, such as using silk or satin pillowcases, tying up your hair, or sleeping with a silk or satin hair wrap, can prevent or minimize bedhead. Adjusting your sleep position and reducing friction can also help.

When should I consult a hairstylist for help with bedhead?

If bedhead is a persistent and significant issue, or if you're unsure how to manage it effectively, consulting a hairstylist can be helpful. They can recommend a haircut or styling routine that suits your hair type and lifestyle.


Bedhead may be a common morning nuisance, but it’s not insurmountable.

By understanding its causes and employing these practical solutions, you can bid farewell to unruly morning hair and greet each day with confidence and style.

Remember, a little preparation and the right techniques go a long way in conquering bedhead and starting your day right.

This article is for informational purposes and should not replace advice from your doctor or other medical professional.

Sarah Anderson, Certified Sleep Science Coach Sarah Anderson

Sarah Anderson is a sleep, health, and wellness writer and product reviewer. She has written articles on changing and improving your sleep schedule, choosing the right mattress for chronic pain conditions, and finding the best pillow for you. Sarah Anderson has her Bachelor of Arts degree from Arizona State University in Journalism and Mass Communications. Prior to working for Zoma, she wrote for a variety of news publications. Sarah's work has been featured on Bustle, PureWow, and other publications.

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