Can a Mattress Cause Hip Pain?

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the signs that your mattress may be causing hip pain is crucial for addressing discomfort during sleep.
  • Different mattress types, such as innerspring, memory foam, and latex, have unique characteristics that can impact hip pain differently.
  • Proper sleep positions, mattress maintenance, and seeking professional advice are essential for alleviating hip pain and improving overall sleep quality.

A good night’s sleep is the cornerstone of a healthy life, yet the mattress we choose might silently contribute to discomfort and disrupt our slumber.

Specifically, can a mattress cause hip pain?

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This question unveils the intricate relationship between the surface we sleep on and the potential for discomfort in a crucial joint.

Signs that Your Mattress May be Causing Hip Pain:

Below are the main signs to identify if your mattress is causing hip pain:

Sagging or Uneven Surface:

A telltale sign that your mattress might be contributing to hip pain is the presence of sagging or uneven areas.

Over time, mattresses can lose their original structure, and these irregularities can create pressure points, especially around the hip region.

If you notice a visible indentation where you sleep or a general lack of uniformity in the mattress surface, it’s a strong indicator that your mattress may be causing discomfort.

Inadequate Support and Firmness:

The level of support and firmness your mattress provides plays a pivotal role in preventing hip pain.

A mattress that is too soft may allow your hips to sink too deeply, causing misalignment and potential pain.

On the flip side, an excessively firm mattress might not provide enough cushioning for the hips, leading to discomfort.

Striking the right balance is crucial for optimal support and alignment.

Mattress Types and Hip Pain:

Mattress TypesProsCons
Innerspring Mattresses– Known for firmness, beneficial for individuals with hip pain. – Coil support helps maintain proper spinal alignment. – Natural breathability promotes a cooler sleep environment, addressing discomfort related to overheating.– Rigidness may not conform well to the body’s contours, potentially creating pressure points, especially around the hips. – Over time, coils may lose resilience, leading to sagging and exacerbating hip pain by causing misalignment.
Memory Foam Mattresses– Contours to the body’s shape, providing excellent support and pressure relief. – Viscoelastic properties adapt to the body’s natural curves, minimizing pressure points.– Some users may find retention of heat uncomfortable. – Initial off-gassing odor and a slight sinking feeling, while temporary, may be considerations for some users.
Latex Mattresses– Strike a balance between support and responsiveness, offering a buoyant feel beneficial for hip pain sufferers. – Natural resilience allows quick bouncing back to the original shape, providing continuous support to the hips and preventing sagging.– Relatively expensive compared to other types, a factor for budget-conscious consumers. – Firmness may not be preferred by some individuals, though this varies depending on the specific type of latex used.

Innerspring Mattresses:


  • Innerspring mattresses are known for their firmness, which can be beneficial for individuals experiencing hip pain. The level of support provided by the coils can help maintain proper spinal alignment.
  • The natural breathability of innerspring mattresses promotes a cooler sleep environment, addressing potential discomfort related to overheating.


  • On the flip side, the rigidness of innerspring mattresses may not conform well to the body’s contours, potentially creating pressure points, especially around the hips.
  • Over time, the coils may lose their resilience, leading to sagging, which can exacerbate hip pain by causing misalignment.

Memory Foam Mattresses:


  • Memory foam mattresses are renowned for their ability to contour to the body’s shape, providing excellent support and pressure relief. This contouring feature can be particularly advantageous for individuals with hip pain.
  • The material’s viscoelastic properties adapt to the body’s natural curves, minimizing pressure points and promoting proper spinal alignment.


  • Some users may find that memory foam mattresses retain heat, potentially leading to discomfort for those who are sensitive to temperature changes during sleep.
  • The initial off-gassing odor and a slight sinking feeling, while temporary, maybe a consideration for some users.

Latex Mattresses:


  • Latex mattresses strike a balance between support and responsiveness, offering a buoyant feel that can be beneficial for hip pain sufferers.
  • The natural resilience of latex allows it to quickly bounce back to its original shape, providing continuous support to the hips and preventing sagging.


  • Latex mattresses can be relatively expensive compared to other types, which may be a factor for budget-conscious consumers.
  • Some individuals may find latex mattresses to be firmer than their preference, although this varies depending on the specific type of latex used.

In considering different mattress types, individuals experiencing hip pain should weigh the pros and cons to find the most suitable option that aligns with their comfort preferences and specific needs.

Each mattress type has unique characteristics that can either alleviate or potentially exacerbate hip pain, making an informed choice paramount for a restful night’s sleep.

Common Causes of Hip Pain:

By getting an insight into the common causes of hip pain, you might find a solution that could offer you long-term relief.

So, here are the main causes that can be the cause of hip pain:

1. Muscular Issues:

Our hips bear the brunt of our daily activities, and when the muscles supporting this crucial joint become strained or overworked, hip pain often ensues. Dr. Jennifer Miller adds: “Additionally, I often find that patients experience weakness in the hip abductors (gluteus medius in particular ) and hip adductors. Those muscle groups provide support and stability to the hip joints, which can lead to pain when weak.”

This might manifest as discomfort, tension, or inflammation in the surrounding muscles.

Take, for instance, muscle imbalances resulting from prolonged periods of sitting or engaging in repetitive motions.

These imbalances can lead to heightened stress on certain hip muscles, causing pain over time.

 2. Joint-Related Problems:

Beyond muscular issues, problems within the hip joint itself can be a primary source of pain.

Conditions like arthritis, bursitis, or tendonitis can bring about persistent discomfort.

The wear and tear on the hip joint, often seen with age or repetitive stress, can lead to inflammation and structural issues.

This may translate into sharp or dull pain, impacting mobility and overall comfort.

Choosing the Right Mattress for Hip Pain:

Below are the main factors to consider when choosing the right mattress for hip pain:

1. Optimal Firmness Level:

Striking the right firmness level is paramount in addressing hip pain.

A mattress that is too soft may lack the necessary support, allowing the hips to sink too deeply and potentially causing misalignment.

On the contrary, an excessively firm mattress may not provide enough cushioning, leading to discomfort and pressure points around the hip area.

The key is to find a balance where the mattress is supportive enough to maintain proper alignment while offering enough cushioning to alleviate pressure on the hips.

2. Considerations for Mattress Materials and Technology:

When selecting a mattress for hip pain relief, consider materials and technologies that contribute to comfort and support.

Memory foam, for example, contours to the body’s shape, providing targeted support to the hips and reducing pressure points.

Advanced technologies, such as gel-infused foam or latex with zoning, can enhance the mattress’s ability to conform to the body and promote proper spinal alignment.

Acknowledging that individuals have unique preferences, it’s essential to consider personal comfort levels.

Some may prefer the conforming feel of memory foam, while others may lean towards the responsive support of latex.

Factors such as motion isolation, temperature regulation, and responsiveness are individual preferences that should be taken into account when choosing a mattress to ensure a tailored solution for hip pain relief.

Additional Tips for Alleviating Hip Pain:

1. Proper Sleep Positions to Reduce Hip Pressure:

Side-Sleeping Tips:

Adopt a side-sleeping position with a pillow between your knees to align your hips and reduce pressure.

Experiment with variations, such as the fetal position, to find the most comfortable angle for hip support. Dr. Jennifer Miller says: “I suggest patients alternate between sleeping on their back  and sides to reduce hip pain.”

Pillow Support for Hip Alignment:

Use supportive pillows strategically to maintain proper hip alignment during sleep.

Position a pillow under your knees or between your legs to relieve stress on the hips and enhance overall comfort.

2. Incorporating Targeted Exercises and Stretches:

Strengthening Hip Muscles:

Include hip-strengthening exercises in your fitness routine to build muscle support around the hip joints. “As I mentioned above, the hip abductors and hip adductors are usually two muscle groups I focus on when assessing and strengthens to alleviate hip joint pain.” says Dr. Jennifer Miller.

Consult with a healthcare professional or a fitness expert for personalized exercises tailored to your needs.

Enhancing Flexibility for Pain Relief:

Incorporate stretching exercises to improve hip flexibility and alleviate tension.

Gentle stretches, such as the figure-four stretch or yoga poses targeting hip mobility, can contribute to pain relief.

Mattress Maintenance for Hip Health:

Regular Flipping and Rotating:

  • Ensure your mattress maintains even wear by regularly flipping and rotating it.
  • This practice prevents specific areas from sagging, promoting consistent support for your hips and preventing discomfort.

Using Mattress Toppers or Pads for Additional Support:

  • Consider investing in a mattress topper or pad designed to enhance support and comfort.
  • Choose options with features like memory foam or latex that provide additional cushioning for your hips.

Knowing When It’s Time to Replace Your Mattress:

  • Regularly assess the overall condition of your mattress to identify signs of wear and tear.
  • If you notice persistent sagging, loss of support or increased discomfort, it may be time to consider replacing your mattress for optimal hip health.


How do I know if my mattress is causing my hip pain?

Look out for signs like sagging or uneven surfaces on your mattress. If you wake up with hip pain that improves throughout the day or notice discomfort during sleep, your mattress might be a culprit.

Can a mattress type contribute to hip pain?

Yes, different mattress types can impact hip pain differently. For instance, mattresses that are too soft or too firm may contribute to discomfort. Finding the right balance is key.

Is side-sleeping better for hip pain?

Yes, side-sleeping can be beneficial for reducing hip pressure. Placing a pillow between your knees can further support proper hip alignment and alleviate pain.

How often should I replace my mattress to prevent hip pain?

The lifespan of a mattress varies, but generally, consider replacing it every 7-10 years. Signs like sagging, loss of support, or persistent discomfort are indications that it might be time for a new mattress.

Are there specific exercises to relieve hip pain caused by a mattress?

Strengthening exercises for hip muscles and stretches to enhance flexibility can contribute to relieving hip pain. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Can mattress toppers help with hip pain?

Yes, mattress toppers can provide additional support and cushioning, reducing pressure points on the hips. Memory foam or latex toppers are popular choices for enhancing mattress comfort.

How important is professional advice for addressing hip pain related to mattresses?

Seeking advice from healthcare professionals, including primary care physicians or orthopedic specialists, is crucial for persistent hip pain. They can provide insights into underlying issues and guide you in choosing a mattress that suits your needs.

Can changing my mattress really improve my sleep and alleviate hip pain?

Yes, choosing the right mattress can significantly impact sleep quality and alleviate hip pain. A mattress that provides proper support and aligns with your preferences can contribute to a more comfortable and restful night's sleep.


So, can your mattress be causing hip pain?


But the good news is that you have the power to change that!

Your journey to better sleep and less hip discomfort starts with understanding your mattress, finding the right balance of firmness, and taking care of it.

Try sleeping on your side, use pillows for support, and even do some exercises to strengthen those hip muscles.

And don’t forget, when in doubt, talk to the pros – your healthcare team can guide you in making the best choices.

So, here’s to choosing a mattress that treats your hips right and brings you cozy, pain-free nights.

Sleep tight!

This article is for informational purposes and should not replace advice from your doctor or other medical professional.

Sarah Anderson, Certified Sleep Science Coach Sarah Anderson

Sarah Anderson is a sleep, health, and wellness writer and product reviewer. She has written articles on changing and improving your sleep schedule, choosing the right mattress for chronic pain conditions, and finding the best pillow for you. Sarah Anderson has her Bachelor of Arts degree from Arizona State University in Journalism and Mass Communications. Prior to working for Zoma, she wrote for a variety of news publications. Sarah's work has been featured on Bustle, PureWow, and other publications.

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